7 Ways to Repel Mosquitos Naturally

July 01, 2016

7 Ways to Repel Mosquitos Naturally

Summer’s here and you’re bound to spend time outside for BBQs, sports, camping, and day trips at the beach. Day time is no problem but what about dusk and those darn mosquitos? 

With DEET-based mosquito repellents being linked to brain and neurological damage, you may think that you can’t avoid your fate as insect food but that's not true.

Here are effective all-natural mosquito repellents from Care2.

  1. Pure Citronella Essential Oil—not fragrance oil.
  2. Soy oil—According to The New England Journal of Medicine, mosquito repellents made of soybean oil are just as effective as DEET-containing repellents. 
  3. Catnip—an Iowa State University research group showed that the catnip essential oil is about 10 times more effective repelling mosquitoes than DEET in the laboratory.
  4. Neem oil—Also found to be more effective than DEET.
  5. Lavender essential oil—Easy to find and smells delicious.
  6. Garlic—eating lots of fresh garlic is not only good for you, mosquitos can’t stand it.

But wait. There's more.

The 7th option is Greenerways Organic Mosquito Repellent / Organic Bug Spray. It's a natural spray that's easy, effective and even has a very pleasant aroma. I like easy and effective so have been very happy with this bug spray. I used this bug spray on vacation with excellent results: I was bug-bite free! 

What do you do to keep from being eaten alive? I'd love to hear from you. 


Care2 6 Natural Mosquito Repellents  

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