Hi, I’m Caroline, a recovered employee from the corporate world who worked crazy hours and started neglecting my health. I was unhappy. I lived off carbs and coffee and was given the nickname "grandma" at the ripe old age of twenty-eight.
Now in my 40’s, I feel fantastic. I wake up every day energized.
I eat healthy, exercise, meditate, and use non-toxic products whenever possible… I’m also a foodie who loves cheese, dark chocolate, and sipping a refreshing cocktail.
I enjoy those things with ZERO guilt and feel that you should too because I believe in the 80/20 rule. I’m not a rule girl but I love this rule. Because I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, you don’t have to be perfect if you’re good 80% of the time. I think it’s important to enjoy our time on earth.
But that, my friends, doesn’t mean being excessive like eating a gallon of ice cream or a family-size bag of potato chips in one sitting.
I don’t believe in deprivation. You can be healthy and have your cake and eat it too. Just not the whole cake…at once. But when you indulge, enjoy it!
I’ve discovered that taking care of myself is easy and fun and the better I take care of myself, the more I want to take care of me. Being healthy helps me get more enjoyment out of life. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to play and seize the day!
I was amazed at how quickly I found myself not missing the things I thought I couldn’t go without and so can you.
The alfredo sauces I loved in my 20s now don’t appeal to me at all. I don’t miss the coma state after eating a ton carbs at lunch. I want to eat lots of veggies; I want to go hiking because I enjoy it… I love having the energy to do the things I want.
My hope is to encourage you to take better care of yourself and to enjoy life by providing you with tips, tricks, and products that support a healthy yet indulgent life.
I’m originally from France. Even though I’ve been in the US for many years, I still feel a strong connection to Europe. My parents live in Provence and my sister lives in Geneva with her husband and two daughters. I especially love sharing with you French products because I believe the French have the best skin care products and perfumes….
I hope you enjoy my blog and products. Now and every day, get out there and play.
About XL Vita
At first, XL Vita was going to be the go-to place for the best natural health products. It was in researching natural health products though that I became very passionate about product labeling and ingredients and started focusing on personal care and beauty products. I realized that in order to have optimal health, we needed to be very particular with what we put on our skin. Our skin is our biggest organ after all. What you put on your skin gets absorbed directly into your bloodstream and gets into vital organs...That is why it's so important that you put the best, natural non-toxic products on your skin.
It became apparent to me that words like "natural" and "pure" were used loosely and that ingredients that I thought were synthetic and maybe even harmful weren’t necessarily bad. It was eye opening for me to learn that many ingredients with really long and impossible to pronounce names were actually natural and beneficial. Clearly, we, as consumers, had to understand labeling and ingredients in order to find and understand truly natural products.
I am passionate about keeping health, beauty, personal care products safe and natural so have become an Activista for Women’s Voices for the Earth, an organization dedicated to helping eliminate the toxic chemicals that harm our health and communities. I am also part of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics business network.
I look forward to joining you on your journey to living a healthy, playful, and joyful life.
To your joie de vivre,