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No more grays! Get rid of your gray hair with Gray Riddance, the natural, effective, and safe spray-on solution that covers gray hair permanently in just 3 days.
Safe for relaxed or processed hair, Gray Riddance will not harm your hair nor change your non-gray hair color. It will turn your gray color to permanent subtle golden brown highlights without peroxide! It is safe to use in conjunction with temporary and semi-permanent hair rinses, plus relaxers.
Why Gray Riddance?
Who is this for?
Gray Riddance is best for anyone with up to 30% gray hair i.e. “salt and pepper” type hair.
Water, SDA 40 Alcohol, Glycerin, DHA, Sage, Chamomile, Nettle, Black Walnut, Olive, Sea Kelp, Lavender, and Aloe.
Make sure your hair is initially clean, dry and free of all other hair products (gels, conditioners and oil sheens).
Uniform Coloring Technique: Even if your hair is dark brown or black, and you want the highlights to match your natural color, you can still use Gray Riddance. Use as directed and then apply a temporary or semipermanent hair rinse, like a cellophane. This process will tone down or cover the highlights making your hair a more uniform color. The rinse will last longer because Gray Riddance opens the cuticle of the hair allowing the color to thoroughly penetrate. As the rinse fades, you will see highlights instead of gray hair. Wait a few days after applying Gray Riddance before applying the rinse. This process allows you to maintain a natural approach to coloring your hair.
Hints and Tips: To get touch up spots (like the temple, roots, or new growth on your forehead), just spray Gray Riddance on a toothbrush or a small applicator brush. Use the brush on the gray areas.